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Both Sides Of The Coin PERSPECTIVES Emotions, Feelings. Words. Yes, most of all, words. To say. To hear. To ponder.  Yes to ponder. To analyze. To dissect. To discuss till all possible meanings, intended or otherwise,...

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Both Sides Of The Coin

Category : Pre-Issue


Emotions, Feelings. Words.

Yes, most of all, words.

To say. To hear. To ponder.  Yes to ponder. To analyze. To dissect. To discuss till all possible meanings, intended or otherwise, are brought out, understood, digested.

Or rejected.

Yes rejected. Or debated. Or brought to light from the other side. The side that is usually ignored. Forgotten.  Shadowed. Invisible?

As I look through my words to the other side, to the other meaning, to your point of view. As you look back to mine.

What will I see? What do you expect?

Glass. Imaged. Reflected. Illuminated.

Meaningful images. Worth more than that stamped on the side of a copper coin. More fragile. More powerful.

Joined. Connected. Disparate.

Our hope – our dream – our quest: To bring to light all meaning of both sides of the coin. Not just the black and white, but the purple and burgundy. The dirty brown and the ice cream pink.

What does Day say to you? What comes to mind when flocks of birds take flight?

At The Glass Coin [dot] com, we will take you on a journey across both lands of thought, along both banks of the river, inside both sides of the story.

We hope you will enjoy the telling of our tales.


Glass is one of the strongest and most beautiful materials we humans have made. It can survive extreme temperatures. It can keep out the wind and let in the light to warm a room. It can help you see better and can focus light to murder ants. It is stretched into strings and woven together to make a building sweater. Bullets have been stopped by it. Cathedrals were famous for it. Historical treasures are protected by it. Writers hid worlds behind it. Ships are guided home by it. Miseries have been drowned in it. The most famous shoes in literature were made of it. It can even show you yourself.

Words are stronger than glass. Words can be more beautiful and more cutting. They can withstand the hottest fire and the strongest wind. And words can be the poetry of a bride’s reflection on her wedding day or the outburst of a tree that smashes a window. Words can be carried around with you all day like a glass coin in your pocket. You can spend them on an impulse or save them for a rainy day. Words can open a window to a world you’ve never known or help you see something clearer.

These are the kind of words you’ll read at The Glass Coin [dot] com. Each issue we’ll examine two sides of an idea; two themes that are irrevocably connected. These themes may reflect each other, each helping us see the other more clearly. They may be as opposite as heads and tails or be as connected as two sides of the same coin. Every issue, it’s our hope to shatter your perceptions, make you think and make you feel something. So we can have a piece of what Terry Moore wrote about when he said: “these things merely catch a reflection of our own soul and remind us of who we really are.” Because, in the end, that’s what we’re looking for – the soul’s currency of mirror fragments. The wealth is stories that tell us something about ourselves.

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