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Both Sides Of The Coin PERSPECTIVES Emotions, Feelings. Words. Yes, most of all, words. To say. To hear. To ponder.  Yes to ponder. To analyze. To dissect. To discuss till all possible meanings, intended or otherwise,...

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February 20, 2010 - Guelph Poetry Slam

Andrea Thompson was the featured speaker and there were many many amazing poets in the Slam and Open Mike, it was a wonderful night.  It would take all night to list our favourites, but we have to mention Made Wade who won the $100 prize. The editors, here at The Glass Coin, think he was great. Well earned!

We had a blast. The words flowed freely. The rhythm was true. We love the atmosphere and the energy of the EBar. We don’t live in a world that gives standing ovations to poets, but tonight we came close.

Kudos to the organizers, including BethAnne Fischer and Matthew Dryden for putting on an amazing show!

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